My ideal candidates are people like you who are seeking help and who are absolutely, positively serious about succeeding.
They appreciate Truth when presented in a clear, direct manner. It empowers them and doesn't frighten them.
They are frustrated at their previous failed attempts and tired of buying and following secrets promising them immediate miracles without requiring the personal responsibility and changes necessary for true success.
They accept that the most important factors in their success are their own willingness to learn new information and to behave differently and consistently, adjusting as necessary, and for the rest of their lives.
They accept that they must follow these new instructions for the rest of their lives because if they don't they will revert back to old MINDSETS, habits and behaviors. The only way you can fail this program is if you fail to cooperate and quit forever!
My ideal candidates have succeeded at other significant aspects of their lives.
They know that when they know what to do, how to do, when, where and with whom and have the support necessary to succeed, they have succeeded.
They believe and know that with honest information and support, they CAN SUCCEED AGAIN!
They are prepared to change their MINDSET and behavior starting NOW!
They know that they are smart, capable and willing to do the work necessary.
They understand and accept that this program is not a substitute for psychotherapy.
If they have any underlying medical or psychological programs, they get them treated.
They are also willing to trust their own judgment about what they read on this website and that it lines up with what they believe.
They are willing to invest in this program, to read the information, then do the mandatory homework as directed.
They know that the CHOICES, opportunities, life and health consequences are theirs.
How About You?
Are you prepared to face the truth about your life situation and to allow yourself the opportunity to invest in you; to build your successful future? Please click here to request your complimentary consultation or for more information and pricing.